Martin Luther School has a program to involve the fathers/father figures at our school. We appreciate the gifts that they can bring whether be assisting with security or engaging with students at in various activities such as lunch, recess, or chapel. Your presence can make such a difference in the lives of our students.
We are asking male volunteers to be present during the day at Martin Luther School. The amount of time available is not limited to a whole day. We would appreciate a volunteer sign up for at least a half day (morning or afternoon) but if you are only able to be present a few hours, please do not hesitate to sign up.
To become a MLS Guardian, please fill out the Volunteer Form and submit. Please fill out and return the Authorization for Background Check to the school office. Forms are also available in the school office. Once the appropriate documentation is submitted, please sign up to spend time at Martin Luther School as the MLS Guardian. Each Guardian will receive a T-shirt to wear during your time in school acting as the MLS Guardian.
2025 Mayfest is May 10, 2025
Please mark your calendars for next year’s Mayfest. It will be held on May 10th at the Bavendick Center at Bismarck State College.
More details will be available soon.
Luther Academy of Music
Students have the opportunity to learn piano and instruments through private lessons, including the Suzuki Strings program and method.